
The Beginning

The beginning of the addiction.

So how did I get into running? Well I wanted to do a sky dive for charity and couldn't find one that you could pick your own charity for or one that you didn't have to pledge thousands of pounds for, [will blog about sponsorships some other time] so I started looking around what else I could do. To fund-raise and discovered a local fun run which was 5k, so throughout I would give it a go… and low and behold, started running and fell in love with it!

That was April time last year on my 24th birthday, decided on that day that before I reached 25 I would make a difference to someone.  Something I hoe I've achieved.  

Before this I was a complete couch potato, occasionally getting off my bottom to play on the Wii. But even then found you could play that whilst on the couch so It was a major undertaking for me.  So how did I train? I began with a programme called couch to 5k app on my phone, however that began to get on my nerves a bit too much..[thick it was the dog randomly barking] so just began to run for a long as I could then walk for 10-mins then run as far as I could then walk etc. till I was home [on the same route in a massive circle, and slowly began to cut down on the walking time in between and increased the running time.    i have to say though i'm still quite a slow runner/jogger, hoping to improve over the year. 

I have recently broken my toe [ouch!] so been out of running for a while so beginning over, My first run is on the 26th of January, a little 5k to kick off the new year anyone interested in joining me can sign up over here being organised for Royal Linda McCartney center!  played a vital part in my family so all for a good cause.  will let you know how i get on

And as you can see by now i have managed to put a button on the right hand side of your screen to my donation page! every penny counts and all support very much needed and every penny counts! [by the end of the year i may come up with a little slogan to go with all the running]

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