
Llandudno 5k Easter Saturday!

Hello everyone…

So you may have noticed that ive been a little bit absent for the last few weeks, the reason? Well its been exam time and ive been busy away with that! all finished now though which is great! 

So whilst I have been gone! Me and my mother has completed the Llandudno 5k run in Animal onesies! My mum did it in a duck due to being called ‘Duck’ as her name being a cub leader! And I did it in a Nemo onesie to represent the orange team!

Over all it was a very nice little race! The sun was out meaning that it was very hot and my onsie got stripped on the way round! Bit slower than for me at 35mins but I did stop to talk to mum at around 3.5 k as she was going the other way! reckon if I hadn’t of done that I would have got pb!  Next run though I must remember sun cream as I badly burnt my face during the day!  

My mum did her 5K [or there abouts] in 45mins and 11sec. she did seem to walk a lot more than run, and the running seem to take place when she could see me…  but even so she did an amazing job and a well earned medal alike!  

This event was very well organised! And friendly marshals ect, a great run along the front [not sure what it would be like with bad weather though] and well worth doing it again next year! One things for sure I don’t want to do a run in a onsie in a hurry!

All of this was for all the amazing Child-flight and all donations would be very much appreciated to support us along the way! mum is going to be running further races later on in the year and I still have several races to go on my 14 in 1 challenge!  We are 40% at the target so far and a massive thankyou to those who have already supported me in this.  

our virgin giving page is linked to on the right